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Leah's Lineage of Love

Leah is a multidimensional and eclectic healer. She walks the path of the seen and unseen by merging the elements of energy healing, Yoni healing, and reproductive/birth work with her degree in Psychology to access and unlock our true path of walking with Love. Leah offers a range of services to meet your individual needs while empathetically respecting your boundaries and desires in life. Leah shows up whole-heartedly to bring you the highest quality of support while offering resources to guide you in your cycles of life. She believes ongoing education and hands-on experience will be the key to the future, starting with our own healing journey. 

See Leah's soul offering and read more about her experiential credentials below.

Leah's Lineage of Love


Leah is devoted to whole mind, body, and soul healing. Leah grew up in the suburbs of south Louisiana until she moved to south Florida when she was 12. Leah's eyes were already opened to the needs of healing after experiences hurricane Katrina at the age young of 10 and it became her path to walk along the journey of her own healing while desiring to support others', too. Leah grew up with ancestral anxiety as her late grandfather was a Holocaust survivor. Leah knew that it was not her own but it was hers to transmute and transform. Leah grew up with modern tools of therapy and knew there had to be more out there. It wasn't until after she graduated college in 2019 that she divinely found Reiki energy healing... or Reiki found her

Leah chose to release Hormonal Birth Control from her life and has devoted the last 5 years to rooting into her own cyclical living while offering multidimensional healing to support to her clients, friends, and family. Leah became a Birth and Full Spectrum Doula as she knew it was her soul aligned path to support women and families who embrace the deepest realms of transformation within. Leah embodies the Reiki Principles in all that she does to bring about harmony and peace in her life.

Leah is honored to walk along the path of holistic healing as she trained for multiple certifications and teaching programs to grow deeper and truer tools for eternal healing. Explore Leah's credentials below.

Reiki Principles

- Just for today, I will not worry.

-Just for today, I will not get angry.

-Just for today, I will honor my teachers and elders.

-Just for today, I will work honesty

-Just for today, I will be grateful

-Just for today, I will be kind to all living things

Certifications + Education: an eternal journey

~ Peristeam Facilitator (in training)- Steamy Chick​

~ Eco Sensual Practitioner: Trauma Informed Herbal Certification- Mama de la Myco & Original Instructions

~ Placenta Encapsulation Specialist- Women's Choice Perinatal Services

~ Yoni Steam Practitioner Certification- Yoni Steam Institute

~ Full Spectrum Doula Certification- Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings

~ Birth Doula Certification- Harambee Village Doula in Madison, WI

~ Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher Certification- International Center for Reiki Training

~ Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Certification- Master Safiyah in Des Moines, IA

~ Bachelor's in Psychology- Florida Atlantic University

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Zodiac big 3:
Gemini Sun
Virgo Moon
Scorpio Rising

Herbal Tea Combo:
Red Raspberry Leaf
Stinging Nettles

Favorite Place:
anywhere in Nature

About Leah's Legacy



Leah's journey into the healing realms of sacred service:

Leah is a pure-hearted, nomadic, gnostic, oracular energy and HeartWomb healer whose path began ever unfolding before she even took her first steps on the Earth. Born into a lineage of Jewish ancestral healers, Leah always daydreamed about the days of remembrance where we all lived and loved life together. Along her journey, Leah stayed true to her Divine Nature while growing fascinated with the unseen mind, earthly body, and even lesser understood: Soul. 


Leah earned her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology in 2019 which would sow the potent seeds of interconnectedness of the Universe around us, and within us. After intentionally studying for years to receive her degree, Leah knew the sacred consciousness of the Soul was still missing from her ongoing traditional-style of schooling.


Leah received the path of Reiki energy healing by first experiencing this massive transformation of energy which activated her desire to understand and learn it. Leah became a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level 1 & 2 Practitioner at an in-person training in November 2019. Dedicated to the healing path, Leah practiced Reiki on herself, family, friends, and for her effortlessly growing online community. These world-wide reflections were a testimony to Reiki having a positive impact on our ability to heal in strong ways. Leah embarked further in a 30-hour live online Reiki Master Teacher Certification in May 2020 with world renowned William Lee Rand, who founded the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) in 1989. Leah was honored to be stepping into the sacred Reiki Teacher role to attune to this powerful healing modality within others and she had received, too.


Leah went on to create her own Holy Fire® Reiki Level 1 & 2 Trainings which follow the ICRT Code of Ethics and brings live online Reiki Trainings to activate inner healing all over the world. Leah has certified and hosted 20+ online individual and group trainings combined. Leah also led Reiki energy healing sessions and oracular classes as a main instructor within a Zoom-style community for 2 years, as well as co-facilitated an in person healing retreat at Mount Shasta with that online community in 2022. Leah’s dedication to invoking the Healing Healer within us all truly began with her own healing journey. Leah’s Reiki Certifications grow towards the expansion of her own Holy Fire® Reiki Master Teacher Certification launching in Fall 2024. Leah admires the gifts each student brings with curiosity and kindness, and Leah always shows the same.


To tie her sacred services together, Leah has devoted the several years to HeartWomb and Yoni healing when she felt a deep need to completely stop Hormonal Birth Control (HBC) in 2020. Through her own inner trust, she completely quit birth control and began to enter a spiral of Oracular Ancestral Remembrance and timeless sacred studies. This took her down the path of Fertility Awareness and cellular healing in the deepest sense. Leah tracked her cycle and bean living cyclically with the seasons of her womb. Leah also made a carefully calculated and sacred investment in living Electrolyzed Reduced Water after recognizing the pure life force that is our first home: our watery womb. After doing months of research, she knew this one medical grade water machine would erase the need for plastic and last 30+ years while nourishing herself, her family, her pets, and one day future children. Since 2020 Leah and her family have been drinking this water while healing from the inside out. Leah shares this water with her worldwide community and asks nothing in exchange besides our open mind to the possibilities of healing.  

Leah believes that investing in our health is the key to a long lasting life.

Leah has always known she will one day become the portal for chosen souls to birth into this world as our future ancestors. And Leah’s ancestral calling to assist the sacred portal of pregnancy and birth brought her to the Truth within her HeartWomb. In May of 2023, Leah divinely aligned with a sacred and radical Birth Doula Certification and 2 year in person mentorship program at Harambee Village Doulas in Madison, Wisconsin where Leah recently moved to with her fiancé and 2 cats. Since then, Leah has been contracted to offer sacred Doula services for local community clients as well as virtual/traveling Doula services for private clients and friends who desire these services. Leah is currently a Full Spectrum Doula in-training with Birthing Advocacy Doula Training (BADT) and is devoted to supporting all reproductive experiences including abortion and loss. Leah's devotion to righteous support is an ongoing learning journey of life.

While working locally and online, Leah became a certified Yoni Steam® Practitioner and Holistic Herbal Healer over the years and has invested in cervical healing/womb awareness trainings to unlock more physical and energetic tools that aid healing the hidden portal between worlds that carry through our bodies. As Leah swam deeper into her own womb waves of eternity, she became increasingly devoted to her own cyclical needs. This presumable notion that every person on this earth who bleeds deserves to welcome cyclical living in their life led Leah to activating her own Oracular Gnosis of service to pregnancy, birth, and beyond which would one day grow into fruition for herself.

Leah offers sacred HeartWomb healing with the combinations of body literacy and Oracular Ancestral Remembrance to unlock the energetic blueprint of love within.

As Leah continued her sacred path of investing in the known unknown, she walked along the path to become an Eco Sensual Practitioner with Holistic Herbal Healers: Mama de la Myco and Original Instructions. These divinely guided teachers offered a live cohesive practitioner training to identify over 100 plant allies to bring gentle and nourishing support to sexual trauma survivors. Leah knows that trauma is far too common and every person deserves the tools to unlock their own power to heal. Leah is grateful to become part of the solution:

to work with and tend to Mother Earth who kindly offers unending resources and support.


Leah merges the seen and unseen with energy healing, rites of passage, Oracular Gnosis, resourceful advocacy, holistic herbal healing, and sacred remembrance of our power with her role as an Ancestral Reiki Doula. Leah leads with a Lineage of Love in her heart to support healing together on the infinite journey. Thank you for your recognition of our shared Heart Consciousness.

May we walk alongside each other and grow with love.

With Infinite Love,

Leah Yael

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