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Sacred Cycles: the way of the Goddess

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Our conquest for peace always begins within.

As a woman, it has endlessly come to my attention that energy flows where attention grows. My journey into womanhood consisted of despising my womb for making me bleed and have pain, choosing hormonal birth control (HBC), and ignoring my deep needs for tending to the inner waters of my womb.

Like many of us in the 21st century, it is easy to forget the ancient ways of the Goddess whose monthly cycle waxes and wanes with the moon. When my cycles began when I was just 11 years old and I wished for nothing more than to not be a woman who would deal with this horrendous and embarrassing act of release for decades to come. For years I pushed her wisdom down into the abyss of my creation portal until the day came in 2020 that I felt the bubbling from within that I needed to be off birth control, permanently. This mighty action sent me down a spiral of womb awareness and healing that I never saw coming and had been calling in for far too long.

Here I am now, after 3 years of welcoming and loving my bleed, offering my sacred services to the world. The calling for sacred service was always part of my path. And I had to find my own healing before I felt ready to support anyone else on this journey. I had to truly live it. This deep dive sent me down the rabbit holes of cycle tracking, menstrual blood magic in the form of art, cervical mucus tracking, and understanding Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). Each cycle I consistently utilize sacred herb and tools for pain management while learning that I could free bleed. These simple and conscious actions created safety to embrace my womb waters fully. And now I welcome the womb waves (what I call cramps) each month with ease. I welcome my womb cycle, I know when I am ovulating and I know when I will bleed. I can feel it flowing within me. This is an experience I never had until 2020 when I was 25. I am now 28 and feeling the pull to motherhood which led me into the Doula journey. And I am ecstatic to be part of so many women's journey into motherhood as I soon enter my own. The Great Goddess lives within each of us.

And this is only the beginning.



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